Monday 22 April 2024

The Boys in Green

I had no plans to have a SYW Russian army. The reason being that we already have a very large 1768 Russian army for the Ottoman/Russian War of 1768-1774.

However, for many months a number of AMG forum members had been in discussion with Richard C. of the kronoskaf SYW website regarding uniforms of the Russian army. Richard's researches have come up with interesting new facts. I list a few of these new findings.

1. Infantryman buttons
2. The infantryman did have a shoulder strap on the left shoulder. This had a different design for each regiment. This distinguished each regiment.
3. The water canteen was painted black and had a brass badge. A photo is shown on the kronoskaf website.
4. fringe around the edge.
5. Red waistcoats could have small green cuffs and collars.
6. No red stitching around button holes on uniform. I quite like the red stitching so have only shown on officers/ncos.

More on the kronoskaf website.

So I made some master figures based on this new information and I had them cast.

A few months ago a large box arrived with metal castings galore....infantry and cavalry.

The photos show IR4 Butyrskiy painted by David Jarvis. Our plans are to paint many of the regiments at Zorndorf.
