Sunday 8 September 2024


I have spent the last month or so reading/researching the battle of Hohenfriedberg. I found the following two books the most informative.... Refighting History Volume 3 by Charles S. Grant and Hohenfriedberg to Sans Souci 1742-55 by Gary Schreckengost.
I will follow the path of C.S. Grant and split the battle into phases but not into 2 but 3. 

Phase 1 is the Saxon outpost on the Spitze-Berge where 18 Saxon grenadier companies supported by Polish uhlans stood in the way of Du Moulin's Prussian advance guard.

Phase 2 will be the attack on the Saxon army.

Phase 3 will be the attack on the Austrian army.

This is a basic wargame/table-top setting not a photo-shoot. 

Hopefully, I will finish the three phases before Xmas.
