Saturday, 15 March 2025

Just off the Workbench

This morning finished basing the very last of the Prussian grenadiers for the collection....IR20 & IR30.
I have no more castings.

David has over the years painted nineteen of the twenty three converged grenadier battalions in the Prussian army of the SYW and three of the six 'Standing' grenadier battalions. All are 26 figure battalions.

With supernumeraries that is a staggering 572 Prussian grenadiers.

The third and fourth photographs show the detail of painting on IR20......wonderful detailed brushwork on those mitres.

Photos 4 & 5 show the converged grenadier battalions 5/20 & 7/30.  

I have been working on limber horse handlers and show a couple of photographs of progress so far. I have enjoyed painting these handlers for the Austrian/Prussian/Saxon/Russian armies.


ps the wobbly pin-bayonet on the rear rank figure of IR20 was rectified!